Mommy & Me IV
Specially formulated for Moms in the first 36 months postpartum. Rebalance vitamin and mineral levels that can be disrupted by pregnancy and childbirth (eg. B5, B6, Glycine) without anything that can be harmful while breastfeeding. This is a great tool for speeding up recovery and being the healthiest version of yourself for your little one.
- Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid/Ascor L) 5,000mg
- B5 Dexapanthenol 500mg
- B6 Pyridoxine 200mg
- B12 Methylcobalami (1mg/ml) x 1
- B Complex 200mg
- Calcium Chloride (10%) x 1
- Glycine x 2
- Bicarbonate Sodium (8.4%) x 3
- NaCl, Normal Saline 500ml